Manual Guides: data, laws and policies
Three e-books will be produced with the material used and developed during the laboratories.
Manual guide for migration data:
edited by S. Kalantaryan, A. Venturini and S. Samorè (student 2017/18)
- Population (census, surveys),
- Labor Force (surveys),
- Household (surveys),
- Administrative Data (residence permits, social security).
Manual guide for migration policies:
edited by I. Ponzo and A.Venturini
- Multilevel Governance of Migration,
- The Access and the Mobility at the EU and the National Level,
- Integration and the Regional Level.
Manual guide for migration laws. How to find information and updates on migration law.
edited by M. Cociglio, G. Rossi and G. Migliozzi (students2017/18) M. Consito and A. Venturini.
- Asylum,
- Labour migration,
- Family reunification,
- Integration,
- External Dimension, Partnership agreements and Neighbourhood Policy.