DMS and Stage
The migration dimension is becoming more and more important for international relation studies, sociological and political science studies, but also for economic degrees. Thus the introduction of this Module will substantially strengthen the master course on International Relations (CPS department), Cooperation and Development (EST department), European legal studies (Law department) and it will be included as an option in the Sociological and Political Science Curricula, Economics Curricula and Law Curricula.
The course is part of a Diploma in Migration Studies - DMS which has been added since 2016 to the master program of International Sciences and European Laws.
For more information
Fill out the form to join the program, you will be well informed on DMS activities.
1 esame da 9 cfu* dal piano di studi |
Migration in Europe* |
1 esame da 6 cfu a scelta fra |
Diritto dell'immigrazione |
European Mobility and Migration Law |
1 esame da 6 cfu a scelta fra |
Dinamiche e politiche dell'immigrazione |
Islam, migrazioni e processi di integrazione |
Internship opportunities at the MAECI
Course students have access to the stage at the Prefecture of Turin. For more information click on the file attached.