Round Table Discussions and Conferences

The Round Table Discussions are organized with practitioners, for instance NGOs in charge of refugees’ assistance and integration, Prefects in charge of local organization, agents of the local employment office in charge of skill evaluation, training and job placing. The focus is the transition from theory to practice and the discussion of integration of the different interventions and dimensions. Newspaper articles and practical interventions for solving local problems is part of the methodology for getting to grips with migration at the local level.

22 July 2019 
Migrant Consumption of Cultural Goods


19 January 2018
Lavoro per l'integrazione: investire sul capitale umano, sociale ed economico per l'inclusione di migranti e rifugiati
Promoting the economic integration of migrants

31 March 2017
From assistance to the labour integration of immigrants: how support the third sector agencies



  • 18 October 2018 - Donne migranti. Studi e immagini sulla contemporaneità.

Ore 16, CLE - Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100, Sala Lauree Rossa Seminario: “Uno sguardo di genere alle migrazioni contemporanee”, Martina Cvajner (Università di Trento).

Ore 18, CLE - Campus Luigi Einaudi, Main Hall Inaugurazione della mostra della fotografa nigeriana Ibitocho Sehounbiatou.

Ore 21, Cinema Teatro Baretti, Via Baretti 4 Proiezione e discussione del documentario Ibi (Italia 2017), di Andrea Segre.