
The module “Migration in Europe: data, models and policies” (MIGREU) will develop the analyses of migration in Europe. The course objective is to enhance our understanding of the complexity of the migration phenomenon and the need to anaylse and evaluate it better.

The Module starts with a descriptive presentation of the history of the EU migration flows and stock (MGRIEU1- history).

The previous section provides some minimum but fundamental knowledge of “stereotypes on migration” and introduces a methodological section (MIGREU2- methodology and data) which point out the need to know and understand: the statistical information at our disposal; the different definitions used in different contests; and the different measures adopted in collecting data and interpreting them. A European migration Data Laboratories (EUDAL) on the sources and their user will close this second section. In the first year EUDAL will focus on migration data from the destination country (EUDAL1 destination), while in the second year the data will relate to origin country (EUDAL2 origin) and in the third year both subjects will be covered (EUDAL3 both). The direct teaching and the Laboratory co-organized by the Module leader and a researcher will allow the student to download the information necessary to complete modest individual research papers from the main national and international data sources. There will be a special focus on asylum seekers and refugees.

The analyses of the migration decision (MIGREU3- choice) will be covered with presenting models and results taking into account the evolution of Migration policies. A laboratory on the european and national migration laws (EULAL) will complement section 3 and will allow law students to deepen their knowledge of the phenomenon. In the first year, asylum legislation will be at the center of the Laboratory (EULAL1 asylum), in the second year labor migration access laws (EULAL2 labor) and in the third year laws relative to family reunification (EULAL3 family). This iniatial  propgramme has been revised due to the creation of the Interdisciplinary Diploma in Migration Studies with laywers and political scientists and has been replaced by a EUDANL laboratory on Data Analyses.

The analyses of the effect of migration on the destination countries (MIGREU4- destination) will be covered in section 4: migrant effects on the labor market (competition or complementarity), on the welfare state (larger or smaller use of social security benefits), the impact of migrants on innovation and growth and their assimilation in the labor market. The analyses of migration and integration policies will complete the scenario fleshing out the multilevel governance of migration and thus european and national and also regional legislation, which is particularly relevant for integration issues. A laboratory on the governance of the migration phenomenon (EUPAL) will integrate the theoretical and empirical analyses (EUPAL1 destination), which each year will focus on different policies.

The effects of migration on the sending countries (MIGREU5- Origin) will be covered starting with the effect on growth via financial remittances and social remittances. We will also look at any effects on the labor market (positive or negative), the human capital drain, return migration, financial literacy, fertility and social transformation. A laboratory on the policies undertaken by the sending countries to favor the integration of migrants will be implemented in the second year (EUPAL2 origin). Partnership agreements and the EU neighborhood policies will be analyzed for their contribution in enhancing development.

The students will be evaluated with two short written texts with open questions and a research paper. A final global evaluation with an oral exam will close the evaluation section: here the questions will relate to the Special Lectures, Conferences and Round Table Discussions. The whole activities of the module will be evaluated inside the Master Teaching Program, the CPS and EST Departments and inside the UNITO activities.

The course also have Special lectures, Conferences and Round table discussions which the student are invited to attend to strength and verify their understanding and their knowledge on the migration issies.